One Team
Making a difference
May 15, 2024
More BRCGS Success - this time for Kober
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More audit success, this time for our Kober site.

Following another unannounced audit, Kober, has also successfully achieved BRCGS AA+ certification.

Another excellent team effort by everyone on site, led by Olivia Holmes, Site Technical Manager. Olivia was supported by Heather Young-Blakelock, Technical Administrator, and the rest of the Technical team.

Martin Baxter, General Manager, said: “We have always had a strong team ethic here at Kober. As a site, we are all united to achieve our purpose - One team creating exceptional value for our customers - and this BRCGS audit success is the icing on the cake.
“My personal thanks to Olivia, who led this audit and along with the site team achieved another great result – Congratulations Team Kober”.


Olivia Holmes, Site Technical Manager, added: “A big shout out to the Kober site team who are instrumental in maintaining our BRCGS AA+ audit grade through their year-round commitment to food safety and quality culture, and also to our colleagues in roles that support both Forza and Kober.”


Congratulations to Team Kober on your achievement!

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